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Links last updated 2025-02-05 08:07:21.

App State (Boone, NC) Wind Energy Site
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
Appalachian State U Appropriate Technology Degrees
Last modified 2007-04-04 18:39:46
ASU, in Boone, NC, offers bachelors and masters degrees in Technology with a concentration in Appropriate Technology.
Appalachian State University Sustainable Energy Society (ASUSES) "Solar Club"
Last modified 2022-11-28 17:25:05
Student-led sustainability organization at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, tying research, advocacy, education, and publishing.
ASES - The American Solar Energy Society
Last modified 2022-11-28 17:19:22
The American Solar Energy Society organizes the national solar energy conference and the National Solar Tour, both annual.
There are several student chapters at colleges across USA.
Assoc Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Ed
Last modified 2008-03-03 15:02:41
Learn about what college campuses are doing with sustainability: curriculum, renewable energy, tracking sustainability efforts, professional development, conferences, etc.
Ball State U. Center for Energy Research/Education/Service (CERES)
Last modified 2016-06-15 10:38:21
The Center for Energy Research/Education/Service (CERES) at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA, is an interdisciplinary academic support unit focused on issues related to energy and resource use, alternatives and conservation. Their mission is to serve the campus, local, state and regional communities.
Functions include research, a heliodon, a daylighting laboratory, and more.
Biogeochemistry Climate Change Summer Fellowships
Last modified 2007-05-06 08:56:33
Fellowship programs for undergraduates to study biogeochemical cycles and climate change with faculty at the University of California, Irvine.
Building Technology Program at MIT
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
Casper College, Wyoming
Last modified 2009-12-05 10:08:22
In 2009 Casper College introduced courses for small wind turbine installation and solar power systems.
Center for Energy & Environmental Education U. N. Iowa
Last modified 2009-03-13 11:01:05
Organizes workshops, research, and events for energy and environmentalism education in Iowa. Programs include equipment lending, Iowa Energy Center Poster Contest, Iowa Junior Solar Sprint, Electrathon, Teacher Training Workshops, Environmental Issues Instruction, Waste Reduction, Energy Resources, Local Foods Planning, On-Farm Energy, UNI Student Energy! Project, School Energy Efficiency Project, and more.
Center for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
A research institute at UMass Amherst College of Engineering.
Center for Sustainable Energy at Bronx CC
Last modified 2007-11-10 15:44:37
The mission of the Center for Sustainable Energy at Bronx Community College is to promote the use of renewable and efficient energy technologies in urban communities through education, training, workforce development, research, and project facilitation.
Clinton Community College, Plattsburgh, NY
Last modified 2010-10-18 14:37:46
Clinton Community College, in Plattsburgh, NY, offers an associate's degree in wind energy and turbine technology, and a one year certificate for a wind turbine service technician.
Collegiate Energy Association
Last modified 2008-11-07 08:01:08
The Collegiate Energy Association is a global student community that connects university-based energy clubs to their colleagues around the world so that they may learn from each other and form collaborative partnerships on energy issues.
In the Announcements section, associated clubs list interesting events, including academic reviews, presentations by industry experts, and conferences.
Colorado School of Mines
Last modified 2008-11-11 07:32:48
Undergraduate and graduate studies in traditional and non-traditional energy technologies. In Golden, Colorado.
Consortium for Education in Renewable Energy Technology
Last modified 2009-03-01 14:49:17
A group of schools offering technical certificates in renewable energy technologies, with support of several corporations, organizations, and government agencies, based on NSF-funded research.
Cornell Initiative for Sustainable Bioenergy Crops
Last modified 2008-08-27 16:11:45
The Cornell Initiative for Sustainable Bioenergy Crops (CISBC) is an organization whose aim is to provide a hub for Cornell plant scientists with interests in bioenergy research and sustainability. Also, the mission of the CISBC is to promote the development of effective long-term agroenergy cropping systems, which will require the collaboration of many plant science disciplines.
Earth and Environment Department at Boston University
Last modified 2024-09-17 07:10:27
Undergraduate and graduate degrees in Earth and Environmental Studies.
Energy Academy Europe, Groningen, The Netherlands
Last modified 2018-06-13 12:28:45
Energy Academy offers education for skilled professionals and researchers, from vocational degree to post-academic MBA. Education is provided by University of Groningen, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Energy College (vocational), and Energy Delta Institute (MBA). They offer multidisciplinary educational activities, MOOCs, the PhD Summerschool and Learning Activities.
Energy Club at Georiga Tech
Last modified 2024-10-07 11:16:27
Organizes informal education about energy production and use at Georgia Tech.
Energy Crossroads: University-Based Energy Ac...
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
Energy Demonstration Center at Northwestern Michigan College
Last modified 2010-09-27 19:28:09
Energy Demonstration Center, at Northwestern Michigan College provides a variety of options for learners interested in energy-related topics:
Non-credit & continuing education classes including Solar PV, BPI, Wind Power. Renewable energy classes for those seeking academic credit or a degree/certificate.
The Energy Demonstration Center also hosts conferences, tours, exhibits, and facilitates partnership programs.
Energy Minor at Colorado School of Mines
Last modified 2010-01-25 12:57:41
The Energy Minor program is intended to provide engineering students with a deeper understanding of the complex role energy technology plays in modern societies.
Energy Research Labs at Western Michigan University
Last modified 2009-03-30 11:05:44
The lab at WMU studies wind turbines, solar panels, and more.
Energy Technology at Austin (Texas) Community College
Last modified 2016-08-22 16:17:08
As of 2016, ACC offers Associate of Applied Science degrees & Certificates of Electronics Technology in the following areas: Renewable Energy; Power Technology; Utility Lineworker.
Fitchburg State, Massachusetts, Energy Management Program
Last modified 2014-04-03 09:17:11
Fitchburg offers a major in industrial technology with a concentration in energy management for a bachelors of science degree.
Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management Systems Ctr
Last modified 2009-04-06 09:02:34
FREEDM is an NSF funded engineering research center for renewable electricity generation at North Carolina State University. The program includes education and research from middle school to PhD. Teachers are invited to conduct research at their labs. Schools from several states are participating in their programs.
Gustavus Adolphus College integrating sustainability
Last modified 2013-07-15 08:34:45
Faculty and students have worked to involve many energy issues and technologies and science into many courses.
Illinois State U Renewable Energy major
Last modified 2008-10-14 18:02:07
Illinois State University offers a major in renewable energy in the Department of Technology, with a general education base. Majors may choose between two concentrations: Economics and Public Policy, or Technical.
Iowa Energy Center
Last modified 2016-06-15 11:37:43
The Iowa Energy Center supports economic development, environmental sustainability, and social well-being in Iowa through energy innovation, education, and entrepreneurship. They provide Iowans with reliable, objective information on energy and efficiency options.
There are two sites available for tours.
IREC list of University Energy Programs
Last modified 2011-04-21 14:03:58
A long and up to date list of college programs in the USA where students and professors study energy resources and use. If your school's program isn't there, you can add it to the list by registering with IREC.
Maintained and hosted by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council.
J.F. Drake State Technical College — Renewable Energy Lab
Last modified 2019-05-21 18:08:19
The Renewable Energy Lab, at Drake State Technical College in Huntsville, Alabama, is a training lab for the installation of geothermal heating and cooling units. It is completely off-grid and houses a 60-gallon solar thermal water heater and 12 solar panels. The lab serves students in the Heating and Air Conditioning Technology program.
Lakes Region Comm. Coll. Laconia NH Energy Course
Last modified 2008-09-13 07:39:16
Entry level solar photovoltaic installer course, among other energy-tech courses. Collaborating with local businesses, state government, and local schools.
Lane Community College Renewable Energy Option
Last modified 2007-04-04 18:49:22
Lane Community College in Eugene, OR offers an Energy Management Program, with a Renewable Energy Technician option.
Lehigh U Energy Systems Engineering Institute
Last modified 2010-05-04 12:57:37
The mission of Lehigh's Professional Master's (M. Eng.) degree program in Energy Systems Engineering is to provide the tools and training necessary for young scientists and engineers to develop themselves into leaders in the emerging challenges of the energy and power industry -- a pipeline of talent interested in pursuing energy-oriented careers.
Lehigh’s 10 month Master of Engineering in Energy Systems Engineering is a project-based, in residence full time program that provides a broad foundation in research and development activities related to Energy Generation, Distribution and Smart Grid, and Environmental Engineering. You will work closely with the program’s industry-seasoned professor of practice to develop an individualized course of study through electives offered by Lehigh’s engineering, chemistry, physics, business and political and earth/environmental science departments.
Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
MA Clean Energy Careers Training & Ed Online Dir
Last modified 2011-01-25 09:21:01
This directory of training opportunities in Massachusetts aims to connect energy efficiency and renewable energy industry professionals, jobs seekers, and students with the many opportunities for education and training that exist throughout the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts Maritime Academy Wind Turbine Project - Installation presentation
Last modified 2022-08-22 14:29:54
Slide presentation of installation of the 2006 installation of a Vestas V47 wind turbine at Massachusetts Maritime Academy. PDF hosted by Northeast Diesel. Also describes concurrent sustainable energy projects on campus.
Master of Science in Energy Systems, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Last modified 2024-02-29 10:55:52
The Master’s in Energy Systems is a multidisciplinary graduate program for the engineer or technical business major who is pursuing an industrial or public planning based career.
Mesabi Range Comm & Tech College Wind Prog Eleveth MN
Last modified 2013-04-03 09:47:52
Mesabi Range College, featuring curriculum for wind and renewable energy education, announced in 2010 that it has received a used Vestas V-27 wind turbine generator which the Wind Energy Technology students will refurbish and install on campus. Their program offers:
*Faculty and guest speakers with wind industry experience. *Learning opportunities throughout the year at Minnesota Power's Taconite Ridge Wind Energy Center.
*Utility scale wind turbine components (Clipper 2.5MW) donated by US manufacturer Clipper Windpower.
*Learning opportunities at Clipper Windpower's wind component factory in Iowa.
*Industry leading curriculum, such as condition based monitoring.
*Mandatory wind industry internships, many leading to future employment.
*A strong advisory team that includes a utility, a manufacturer, and a large scale power ponsumer.
*Credit for prior learning for military veterans.
MIT Energy Initiative
Last modified 2008-11-14 07:31:54
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology established this initiative in 2006 "to help transform the global energy system to meet the needs of the future and to help build a bridge to that future by improving today's energy systems" institute-wide. The web site is a good starting point to search for various programs, and to see the broader goals of the initiative.
MIT Solar Decathlon Team
Last modified 2007-03-17 11:25:00
This team develops a self-sufficient house for a competition in Washington, DC.
New Clermont Project
Last modified 2009-09-22 13:34:43
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students blog about piloting a boat they refurbished with a hydrogen-powered fuel cell and electric motor, starting in Manhattan and ending in Troy, where RPI is. The students explain they are following Robert Fulton's tracks, the same Fulton that 200 years ago plied the same waters with the first steam boat.
New York Biofuels Feedstock Project
Last modified 2008-08-27 16:09:07
A research project at Cornell U studies the viability of grasses and legumes for making gas, liquid, and solid fuels for heat and electricity.
Northeast Solar Heating Cooling Instr. Training ME
Last modified 2011-06-13 11:20:02
At Kennebec Valley Community College in Fairfield, ME, this program trains the trainers for solar heating and cooling installation. Instructors from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont are invited to professional development activities as part of their program.
Online Master of Science in Renewable and Clean Energy at U. Dayton
Last modified 2014-02-07 14:22:22
In less than two years, the online M.S. in renewable and clean energy helps students obtain an understanding of energy-reducing design techniques, and renewable energy and manufacturing systems. Plus, they will discover better forms of solar energy, fuel cells and biofuels.
The online M.S. in renewable and clean energy program helps students prepare for professional engineering registration, LEED certification, CEM certification and other certificates.
OR Institute of Technology Renewable Energy major
Last modified 2008-10-14 18:13:12
Oregon Institute of Technology offers a Bachelor of Science degree at its Portland and Klamath Falls campuses. The degree combines science, technology, engineering, and math.
Pace Energy and Climate Center
Last modified 2009-12-03 13:22:45
At Pace Law School in White Plains, New York, this center, through analysis, market methods, and internships seeks to reduce the environmental, social, and human health burdens of electricity production, and to mitigate climate change.
Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Last modified 2010-01-25 12:56:12
The National Science Foundation sponsored Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (REMRSEC) at the Colorado School of Mines, with participation of researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, is focused on transformative materials advances and educational directions that greatly impact emerging renewable energy technologies.
Sacramento CC Comm Bldg Energy Auditing & Commissioning program
Last modified 2014-04-23 09:13:02
Sacramento City College is fortunate to have a world-class, hands-on commercial HVAC/R energy efficiency training laboratory. The cooling systems include a commercial chiller, with ice thermal storage system, and a plate & frame heat exchanger. The heating systems include three different commercial boiler configurations: low pressure steam, high-pressure steam and hot water. This central plant equipment, and associated pumping, serves 3 VAV air handlers and is controlled by a state-of-the-art direct digital control (DDC) energy management system featuring 50 workstations in two separate classrooms. This is all operational equipment, designed and built for instructional use, that will give students hands-on experience auditing, commissioning, maintaining, troubleshooting, and operating in the most energy efficient manner. -Submitted by Mark Hamilton, Assistant Professor there, 2011.
SAGE: Greenfield Community College Sustainability Science
Last modified 2023-04-04 08:03:28
You can choose from a wide array of courses in the Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency program.
San Juan College RE certificate programs
Last modified 2007-04-04 18:47:41
San Juan College in Farmington, NM offers a concentration in Photovoltaic System Design and Installation as a one year certificate or a two year Associate of Applied Science degree.
SEED—Sustainability Education and Economic Development
Last modified 2014-02-07 10:35:28
The SEED Center is a leadership initiative, resources center, and online sharing environment for community colleges to ramp up programs for America's workforce and build the green economy. Resources for education in solar, wind, green building, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Supported by the American Association of Community Colleges, with hundreds of member colleges.
SISE--Summer Institute for Sustainability and Energy
Last modified 2018-06-20 11:05:14
Each August students and practitioners in energy and sustainability gather for an intense, two-week session to learn to be leaders in this field. The program includes talks, site tours, networking, and research. There are fellowships that pay most expenses, and alumni become part of an important and thriving network.
The sessions are held in Chicago, Illinois.
Solar Decathlon
Last modified 2024-02-21 11:59:53
The Solar Decathlon brings college and university teams from around the globe to DC to compete to design and build houses that demonstrate the advantages of a solar lifestyle. Site includes list of teaching resources.
Solar Electric Vehicle Team at MIT
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
Solar Energy Engineering at UMass Lowell
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
SUNY Canton Alternative and Renewable Energy major
Last modified 2008-10-14 18:18:26
The State University of New York's Canton campus offers a bachelor degree in Alternative and Renewable Energy. Students in the program study math, economics, science, engineering, and conduct research in the technology of alternative and renewable energy.
SUNY-Farmingdale Solar Energy Center
Last modified 2007-05-23 11:21:45
This institution educates practitioners about photovoltaic installation. Uses a few 20kW fixed and tracking arrays to teach about solar power.
Last modified 2010-03-09 11:25:18
TEC-SMART (Training and Education Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing and Alternative and Renewable Technologies), at Hudson Valley Community College. Classrooms and labs to train the green tech workforce, and train-the-trainer opportunities.
TECO Clean Energy Research Center at the University of Southern Florida
Last modified 2024-09-17 06:47:39
Courses and research in solar power and smart grids at the University of Southern Florida.
Replaces Power Center for Utility Explorations which was a USF program we followed 2008.
Texas Tech U. Wind Science and Engineering Research Center
Last modified 2012-05-27 12:53:57
A research center for studying the science and engineering of wind and wind power. They are involved in educational partnerships for K-12 students also.
The Energy Laboratory, MIT
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
The Renewable Energy Research Laboratory
Last modified 2007-07-13 20:11:44
This lab at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst has been studying wind energy for decades. The site hosts many informative brochures and data about renewable energy.
The School for Renewable Energy Science, Iceland
Last modified 2009-11-04 10:28:55
A masters in science program in Akureyri, Iceland, at the site of the University of Akureyri. Specializations of study: Geothermal Energy; Fuel Cell Systems & Hydrogen; Biofuels & Bioenergy; Energy Systems; and Hydropower.
U Idaho National Biodiesel Education Program
Last modified 2012-02-23 21:46:19
Hosted by the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, this program supports research into the technical issues of biofuels. They offer a curriculum for 4-H students or any students age 8-12.
U Louisville Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research
Last modified 2012-11-05 12:08:20
According to their web site, the Conn Center provides leadership, research, support and policy development in renewable energy; advances the goal of renewable energy; and promotes technologies, practices, and programs that increase efficiency for energy utilization in homes, businesses and public buildings.
The center is involved in Solar Decathlon, offers academic workshops, and helps high school students with science fairs, among other educational projects.
U MN Morris Biomass Gassification Course
Last modified 2009-03-23 10:14:03
Offered to UMNM students, students from nearby colleges, and adults seeking work-training. A course in chemistry, process, economics, and other studies important to understanding a biomass processing facility.
UC Berkeley Energy and Resources Group
Last modified 2007-03-13 07:03:32
The Energy and Resources Group at University of California, Berkeley is an interdisciplinary unit that sponsors an undergraduate minor, MA MS and PhD degrees, research, and service projects on and off campus.
UMass Lowell Electric Car and Energy Conversion
Last modified 2007-03-17 11:31:48
The Center for Electric Car and Energy Conversion (EC&EC) in the James B. Francis College of Engineering includes professors and researchers from the departments of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The Center is composed of five laboratories: Renewable Energy Lab, Electric Car Lab, Battery Evaluation Lab, Power Electronics Lab, and Advanced Composite Materials and Textile Research Lab.
Univerity of Dayton Graduate Program in Renewable Energy
Last modified 2009-02-06 11:50:48
This program is a partnership between University of Dayton, Wright State University, Central State University, and the Air Force Institute of Technology, all in Ohio, to offer a 2-year graduate degree to prepare workers for the renewable energy industry.
University of Denver
Last modified 2010-06-14 12:42:38
University of Denver's University College program offers masters degrees in Environmental Assessment of Nuclear Power and Energy and Sustainability.
Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research (WISER) at Illinois Institute of Technology
Last modified 2016-06-15 11:27:45
Students and researchers at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) are striving to improve the quality of life in the US while preserving the natural resources and the environment for future generations. At the Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research (WISER), more than 60 faculty members are currently (2016) involved in energy and sustainability research and educational activities across the colleges and institutes at IIT.
Wind Power Technology, Northern Maine Community College
Last modified 2013-05-03 07:18:51
An associate-level degree program training for careers in wind power operations.
Yellott Award for graduate studies in solar energy
Last modified 2007-04-02 13:00:16
The American Solar Energy Society is pleased to announce the John and Barbara Yellott Award, given to a graduate student concentrating on solar energy in a recognized institution of higher learning.
Yestermorrow Design/Build School
Last modified 2006-11-21 09:22:22
Offers 100 courses in sustainable design and construction. Courses are 1 day to two weeks, in central Vermont.