2009 Clean Tech Awards to MA Science Fair Students

Submitted by Mary Essary
2009-09-30 16:36:23

For the third year, The Foresight Project presented "CleanTech" awards in conjunction with the Massachusetts States Science and Engineeering Fair.
To view the awardees:
2009 High-School: <a href="http://ma.cleantechawards.org/2009Awards_HighSchool.htm">http://ma.cleantechawards.org/2009Awards_HighSchool.htm</a>
2009 Middle-School: <a href="http://ma.cleantechawards.org/2009Awards_MiddleSchool.htm">http://ma.cleantechawards.org/2009Awards_MiddleSchool.htm</a>
These awards went to the best project related to any aspect of Clean Technology. In 2009, we began a separate "Climate Science" category for a project related to understanding climate, weather, or the dynamics or non-linear behavior of interactive systems in general.
For information about the awards, see the links at the left, as well the pages on award winning projects from this and previous years.
Foresight director Mary Essary stated that "We hope that this program will continue in 2010. Each year, there are an increasing number of CleanTech projects, with an impressive range of topics, some focusing on specific questions, and some with a completely holistic view of a problem. We are very proud of the curiosity, creativity, and scientific standards of these awards; it gives us a great sense of hope and optimism about our future."

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