Welcome to EnergyTeachers.org! This is our old homepage. The new one is here: https://energyteachers.org

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We offer many services to educators.

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You can find more information about energy education here than anywhere else.

Maps to great field trips, a thousand annotated links on a hundred topics, discussion forums, workshops listings, unique projects, hundreds of books and articles, announcements about grants, news about what educators around the world are doing, and other unique ideas for energy education. Start with the lists at left or take our tour:

Learn more about how we work.

Read this article about what we do.

We need more input.

If you have information about energy education, you can share it with the world of educators through this site. The best place to offer information is in the Forum.

We're a public charity, we need public support.

Consider making a small tax-deductible (IRS 501(c)(3)) gift to EnergyTeachers.org today. See details on our financial page.


We are here to stay.

EnergyTeachers.org was incorporated in 2004 by three teachers dedicated to the profession. We will continue to provide up-to-date information and services. There's always a way for active educators to learn and provide more.


Connect with us through social media.

We are growing fast thanks to new places to meet and discuss, like Facebook and Second Life.