Printed Issue-Fall 2004
Submitted by Shawn Reeves
Originally published: 2004-09-09 16:04:29
Note, the latest version of this article is older than three years. Some information, including links, may be out of date, but we keep it here for research interests.
This month's newsletter is in color, in print and PDF linked below. I am sending it to about 150 high schools in eastern MA and southern NH. It includes articles and notes about the website, KidWind, Junior Solar Sprint, our bibliography, and future events.

Enjoy! If you don't receive a copy in the mail by September 22, write me a note and I will add you to the mailing list.

Subscription link below.
Related Links
Related Documents
- ETO Newsletter 2004 Fall
- ETONewsletterSep2004.pdf
- Newsletter includes articles and notes about the website, KidWind, Junior Solar Sprint, our bibliography, and future events.