National organization fights energy illiteracy with new e-book
Submitted by Anne Bertucio
Originally published: 2012-05-14 16:30:09
Note, the latest version of this article is older than three years. Some information, including links, may be out of date, but we keep it here for research interests.
<img align="right" src="" width="300px" title="screen-shot from the e-book"/>

National energy leadership organization, Focus the Nation, is fighting energy illiteracy with their new e-book, "The Watt: An Energy 101 Primer." The Watt offers comprehensive coverage of energy, ranging from the basics of electricity to the complex details of the energy market, and everything in between. FTN is now creating an online version of The Watt with interactive infographics, timelines, and video lectures to bring the curriculum to life in an effective and compelling way.

To learn more about the project seeking to make this e-book, see <a href=""></a>

To learn more about Focus the Nation, see <a href=""></a>