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ETO Record Number
Hart, Ken; Pearlman, Nancy Sue; Educational Communications Collection (Library of Congress),
EcoNews. Electric and other non-polluting alternatives to gasoline powered vehicles
Call Number
VBQ 6855 (viewing copy)
Automobiles, Electric.; Solar cars.; Nature Series.
1 videocassette of 1 (ca. 30 min.)
Location Published
United States
WCCT : Educational Communications, Inc.
Date of Publication
director, Ken Hart ; executive producer, Nancy Pearlman.
Electric and other non-polluting alternatives to gasoline powered vehicles
Alternate title on videocassette: Electric cars and non-polluting vehicles
sd. col. ; 3/4 in.
Copyright: unknown
Copyright notice on videocassette: Educational Communications, Inc. ; 1992.
The race to save our earth: energy and transportation / produced by the Speed of Light Corporation, Solar Energy Education Division ; directed by Bruce Severance ; written by Bruce Severance and Stephen K. Lowe ; narrated by Cathyrn Espinosa ; Copyright notice: Speed of Light Corporation (employer for hire of Bruce Severance & Stephen K. Lowe) DCR 1991; PUB 01Mar91; REG 02Mar92; PA559-098. NM: interviewing, additional footage, text, score, compilation.
Show #1008.
The video "The race to save our earth: energy and transportation" was shown.
Sources used: paperwork in M/B/RS Acquisition file: Educational Communications, Inc. ; copyright data base.
Received: 11/15/2000 gift; Educational Communications Collection.

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