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- 2006 | . Careers in Focus: Energy, Second Edition.
- Keywords: Energy industries--Vocational guidance Jobs Careers
- | . Elements of energy: Mining for a green future.
- Keywords: Copper Electric vehicles Lithium Mining
- 2003 | . Energy Education Resources: Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
- Keywords: Organizations; Energy Education
- | . Energy Exchange.
- Keywords: Energy Education.
- 2000 | . Energy Resources : Use and Conservation..
- Keywords:
- 2004? | . Fusion Energy: Nature's Fundamental Energy Source.
- Keywords: Fusion; Plasma; Chemistry
- 2007 | . Greasecar Vegetable Fuel Systems Promotional DVD Compilation.
- Keywords: Waste Vegetable Oil Transportation Automobiles
- | . Green Schools News:EmPOWERing Maine Students to Know Their SOURCE.
- Keywords:
- | . Home power.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources Periodicals.; Solar energy Periodicals.; Wind power Periodicals.
- | . Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
- Keywords: Renewable Energy Sustainable Energy Physics
- 2000 | . Nuclear Energy.
- Keywords:
- | . Solar Cooker Review.
- Keywords: Solar Cooking
- 2004? | . Star Power: A Fusion Science Adventure.
- Keywords: Fusion
- 2005 | Fodor, Eben. The solar food dryer : how to make and use your own high-performance, sun-powered food dehydrator.
- Keywords: Solar food dryers. Solar food dryers--Design and construction. Food--Solar drying. Dried foods.
- 2002 | Adams, Richard C.; Gardner, Robert. Energy projects for young scientists.
- Keywords: Power (Mechanics) Experiments Juvenile literature.; Power (Mechanics) Experiments.; Experiments.; Science projects.
- 1996 | Aldridge, Bill G.. Energy sources and natural fuels.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Fossil fuels.
- | Allan Drummond. Solar Story: how one community lives alongside the world's biggest solar plant.
- Keywords: Solar power plants--Morocco--Ouarzazate
- | American Solar Energy Society.,. Solar today.
- Keywords: Solar energy Periodicals.
- | Anderson, Lorraine, and Philip M. Lew. Slow Cook Solar : Sun-Baked Summer Meals Good for People and Planet.
- Keywords: Solar cooking
- 1994 | Andrea Nash. Energy: Exploring the Environmental, Social, and Financial Costs.
- Keywords: Energy Education; Energy conservation.
- 1981 | Asimov, Isaac; Wool, David. How did we find out about solar power?.
- Keywords: Solar energy Juvenile literature.; Power resources Juvenile literature.; Solar energy.; Power resources.
- 1995 | Aubrecht, Gordon J.. Energy.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Power (Mechanics)
- 2003 | Augustyn, Jim. The Return of the Solar Cat Book.
- Keywords: Solar energy History.
- 2009 | Bardaglio, Peter W., Andrea Putman. Boldly sustainable : hope and opportunity for higher education in the age of climate change.
- Keywords: Universities and colleges --Environmental aspects --United States. Education, Higher --Economic aspects --United States. Campus planning --Environmental aspects --United States. Sustainable development --Study and teaching (Higher) --United States.
- 2004 | Barlett, Peggy F.; Chase, Geoffrey W.. Sustainability on campus : stories and strategies for change.
- Keywords: Campus planning Environmental aspects United States.; Universities and colleges Environmental aspects United States.; Environmental management United States.
- 2004 | Bartlett, Albert A.. The Essential Exponential! For the Future of Our Planet.
- Keywords: Exponential function. Finite resources. Oil production. Oil consumption. Population growth.
- 1990 | Bedford, Henry F.. Seabrook Station : citizen politics and nuclear power.
- Keywords: Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant (N. H.)
- 1997 | Berger, John J.. Charging ahead : the business of renewable energy and what it means for America.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources United States.
- 2001 | Berinstein, Paula. Alternative energy : facts, statistics, and issues.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources.
- 1999 | Boeker, Egbert; Grondelle, Rienk van. Environmental physics.
- Keywords: Environmental sciences.; Physics.; Atmospheric physics.
- 1999 | Borowitz, Sidney. Farewell fossil fuels : reviewing America's energy policy.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources United States.; Energy policy United States.; Fossil fuels United States.
- 2006 | Bradford, Travis. Solar revolution : the economic transformation of the global energy industry.
- Keywords: Solar energy industries. Solar energy--Economic aspects. Solar energy--Social aspects. Power resources.
- 1994 | Brant, Bob. Build your own electric vehicle.
- Keywords: Electric vehicles Design and construction Amateurs' manuals.
- 1951 | Brown, Charles Leonard. Basic thermodynamics.
- Keywords: Thermodynamics.
- 2001 | Brown, Lester Russell; Earth Policy Institute.,. Eco-economy : building an economy for the earth.
- Keywords: Environmental economics.
- 1998 | Busch, John; United States. Dept. of Energy.,; Native American Renewable Energy Education Project.,; University of California Berkeley. Energy and Resources Group.,; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Environmental Energy Technologies Division.,. Native power : a handbook on renewable energy and energy efficiency for Native American communities.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources United States Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Energy conservation Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Indians of North America Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- 1980 | Butti, Ken; Perlin, John. A golden thread : 2500 years of solar architecture and technology.
- Keywords: Solar energy History.; Architecture and solar radiation History.
- | Buydens, Sharon. DIY: How to Make a Solar Oven.
- Keywords: Solar cooker Solar oven
- | Caduto, Michael J.. Catch the wind, harness the sun.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources --Juvenile literature. Energy conservation --Juvenile literature.
- 2006 | Caldicott, Helen. Nuclear power is not the answer.
- Keywords: Nuclear industry--United States. Nuclear energy--United States. Global warming--Prevention. Nuclear power plants--United States. Energy policy--United States.
- 2002 | Caldicott, Helen. The new nuclear danger : George W. Bush's military-industrial complex.
- Keywords: Nuclear weapons United States.; United States Military policy.; Arms race History 21st century.; Nuclear warfare.; World politics 21st century.; Military-industrial complex United States.
- 2001 | Cammack, Richard; Frey, Michel; Robson, Robert. Hydrogen as a fuel: learning from nature.
- Keywords: Hydrogen as fuel.; Hydrogenase.
- 1993 | Carless, Jennifer. Renewable energy : a concise guide to green alternatives.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources United States Juvenile literature.; Renewable energy sources.; Power resources.
- | Cavert, William M.. The Smoke of London: Energy and Environment in the Early Modern City.
- Keywords: Historical Geography
- 1993 | Challoner, Jack. Energy.
- Keywords: Power resources Juvenile literature.; Power resources.; Force and energy.
- 2004 | Chambers, Ann. Renewable energy in nontechnical language.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources.
- 1996 | Chandler, Gary; Graham, Kevin. Alternative energy sources.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources Juvenile literature.; Renewable energy sources.
- 1996 | Chandler, Gary; Graham, Kevin. Protecting our air, land, and water.
- Keywords: Environmental protection Juvenile literature.; Environmental protection.
- 1995 | Chase, Jayni. Blueprint for a Green School.
- Keywords: Environmental education--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Environmental sciences--Study and teaching--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- 2002 | Chiras, Daniel D.. The Solar House.
- Keywords: Solar Houses
- | Christopher Poole. Sewanee Messenger.
- Keywords: Anemometers Wind power
- 1998 | Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce. Scholastic's the magic school bus in the Arctic : a book about heat.
- Keywords: Heat Juvenile literature.; Arctic regions Juvenile literature.; Heat.; Arctic regions.
- 1997 | Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce. The magic school bus and the electric field trip.
- Keywords: Electric power Juvenile literature.; Electric power distribution Juvenile literature.; Electricity.; Electric power.
- 1986 | Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce. The magic school bus at the waterworks.
- Keywords: Waterworks Juvenile literature.; Hydrology Juvenile literature.; Waterworks.
- 2006 | Cordesman, Anthony H. and Khalid R. Al-Rodhan. The Global Oil Market:Risks and Uncertainties.
- Keywords: Petroleum industry and trade--Economic aspects. Petroleum industry and trade--Political aspects. Petroleum products--Prices. Energy policy.
- 2002 | Cothran, Helen. Energy alternatives : opposing viewpoints.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Renewable energy sources.
- 2006 | Crosby, Alfred W.. Children of the sun: a history of humanity's unappeasable appetite for energy.
- Keywords:
- 1985 | Cross, Mike; Ron Hayward Associates.,. Wind power.
- Keywords: Wind power Juvenile literature.; Wind power.
- | da Rosa, Aldo V.. Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes.
- Keywords:
- 2003 | Dalgleish, Sharon. Renewing Energy.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources--Juvenile literature. Fossil fuels--Environmental aspects--Juvenile literwsture. Renewable energy sources. Fossil fuels. Power resources.
- 2000 | Dann, Sarah. The science of energy.
- Keywords: Power resources--Juvenile literature. Power resources.
- 2004 | Darley, Julian. High noon for natural gas : the new energy crisis.
- Keywords: Natural gas.; Fuel switching.; Energy policy.; Natural gas Economic aspects.; Natural gas Environmental aspects.; Natural gas Government policy.
- | David McDermott Hughes. Who Owns the Wind? Climate Crisis and the hope of renewable energy.
- Keywords: Energy Policy; Energy Production & Extraction; Environmental Economics; Wind turbines--Social aspects--Spain--Cádiz (Province) Wind turbines--Environmental aspects--Spain--Cádiz (Province) Renewable energy sources--Social aspects--Spain--Cádiz (Province)
- 2003 | Davis, Scott. Microhydro : clean power from water.
- Keywords: Hydroelectric power plants. Renewable energy sources. Centrales hydroeÌlectriques. EÌnergies renouvelables.
- 2001 | Deffeyes, Kenneth S.. Hubbert's peak : the impending world oil shortage.
- Keywords: Petroleum reserves.; Petroleum industry and trade.; Petroleum reserves Forecasting.; Petroleum industry and trade Forecasting.
- 1976 | Dennis, Landt; Dennis, Lisl. Catch the wind : a book of windmills and windpower.
- Keywords: Windmills History Juvenile literature.; Wind power History Juvenile literature.; Windmills.; Wind power.
- 1988 | Devins, D. W.. Energy, its physical impact on the environment.
- Keywords: Energy development Environmental aspects.; Power resources.; Power (Mechanics)
- | Dickran H. Manoogian, editor. PBS NOVA : Chasing Carbon Zero.
- Keywords:
- 1984 | DiLavore, Philip. Energy, insights from physics.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Power (Mechanics); Physics.
- 1996 | Doherty, Paul; Rathjen, Don; Exploratorium Teacher Institute (San Francisco Calif.),. The cool hot rod and other electrifying experiments on energy and matter.
- Keywords: Science Experiments.; Science Study and teaching (Elementary); Science Study and teaching (Secondary); Science museums Educational aspects.; Force and energy Experiments.; Experiments.
- 2001 | Dorf, Richard C.. Technology, humans and society : toward a sustainable world.
- Keywords: Technological innovations Social aspects.; Sustainable development.
- | Duggan-Haas, D. , R. M. Ross, and W. D. Allmon. The Science Beneath the Surface: A very short guide to the Marcellus Shale..
- Keywords: Marcellus Shale. Geology. Shale Gas. Natural Gas. Climate Change.
- 2008 | Eastland, Clare. Teaching about Energy.
- Keywords:
- 2001 | Edward J. Kane. Bringing Back the Analemma.
- Keywords: Sun; Analemma
- 1970 | Ehrlich, Paul R.; Ehrlich, Anne H.. Population resources environment; issues in human ecology.
- Keywords: Population.; Pollution.; Human ecology.
- 2006 | Energy Information Administration, editor. Annual Energy Outlook 2006 With Projections to 2030.
- Keywords:
- 2000 | Evans, Neville. The science of a light bulb.
- Keywords: Light Juvenile literature.; Electricity Juvenile literature.; Light bulbs Juvenile literature.; Lighting.; Electricity.; Light bulbs.
- 2004 | Ewing, Rex A.. Hydrogen--hot stuff, cool science : journey to a world of hydrogen energy and fuel cells at the Wasserstoff Farm.
- Keywords: Hydrogen as fuel.; Hydrogen as fuel Research.
- 1991 | Exploratorium Teacher Institute (San Francisco Calif.),. The Exploratorium science snackbook.
- Keywords: Science Experiments.; Physics Experiments.; Science Study and teaching (Elementary) United States.; Physics Study and teaching (Elementary) United States.; Physics Study and teaching (Secondary) United States.; Science museums Educational aspects California San Francisco.
- 2004 | Fanchi, John R.. Energy : technology and directions for the future.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Energy development.
- 2008-10 | Feldman, Bernard J.. The Hybrid Automobile and the Atkinson Cycle.
- Keywords: Hybrid vehicles
- 1997 | Flavin, Christopher; Dunn, Seth; Peterson, Jane A.. Rising sun, gathering winds : policies to stabilize the climate and strengthen economies.
- Keywords: Energy policy.; Energy industries Economic aspects.; Energy industries Environmental aspects.; Industries Energy consumption.; Renewable energy sources Economic aspects.; Climatic changes Government policy.
- 1990 | Flavin, Christopher; Lenssen, Nicholas K.. Beyond the petroleum age : designing a solar economy.
- Keywords: Solar energy Economic aspects.
- 1994 | Flavin, Christopher; Lenssen, Nicholas K.. Power surge : guide to the coming energy revolution.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Energy consumption.; Energy policy.; Energy consumption Forecasting.; Renewable energy sources.
- 2010 | Forinash, Kyle. Foundations of environmental physics : understanding energy use and human impacts.
- Keywords: First law of thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics. Energy conservation. Energy consumption --Environmental aspects. Energy consumption --Climatic factors. Human ecology.
- 1997 | Fowler, Allan. Energy from the sun.
- Keywords: Solar energy Juvenile literature.; Solar energy.
- 1989 | Fremlin, J. H.. Power production : what are the risks?.
- Keywords: Energy industries Health aspects Great Britain.; Energy industries Great Britain Safety measures.
- 2006 | Friedman, Lauri S., editor. Energy Alternatives.
- Keywords: Power resources Renewable energy sources Essay--Authorship Rhetoric
- 1987 | Gardner, Robert. Energy projects for young scientists.
- Keywords: Power (Mechanics) Experiments Juvenile literature.; Power (Mechanics) Experiments.; Experiments.; Science projects.
- 1992 | Gardner, Robert. Experimenting with energy conservation.
- Keywords: Energy conservation Juvenile literature.; Energy conservation.; Energy conservation Experiments.; Experiments.
- 2003 | Geller, Howard S.. Energy revolution : policies for a sustainable future.
- Keywords: Energy policy.; Renewable energy sources.; Sustainable development.; Energy policy United States.; Energy policy Brazil.
- 2006 | Gershon, David. Low Carbon DIet: A 30 day program to lose 5000 pounds.
- Keywords:
- 2003 | Giacobello, John. Nuclear power of the future: new ways of turning atoms into energy.
- Keywords: Nuclear power plants--Juvenile literature Power resources--Juvenile literature Nuclear energy
- 2009-08-12 | Glenn Adams. Maine's windkeepers: From ship masts to windmills.
- Keywords: Wind Power Job Training
- 2000 | Goldberg, Lee H.; Middleton, Wendy. Green electronics/green bottom line : environmentally responsible engineering.
- Keywords: Electronic apparatus and appliances Design and construction Safety measures.; Electronics.; Electronic industries.; Green products.; Environmental protection.
- 2006 | Goodell, Jeff. Big coal: the dirty secret behind America’s energy future.
- Keywords: Coal mines and mining--United States. Coal--United States. Energy minerals--United States.
- 2004 | Goodstein, David L.. Out of gas : the end of the age of oil.
- Keywords: Petroleum reserves.; Petroleum industry and trade.; Petroleum reserves Forecasting.; Petroleum industry and trade Forecasting.
- 2007 | Gould, Kira and Lance Hosey. Women in Green: Voices of Sustainable Design.
- Keywords:
- 1999 | Graham, Ian. Fossil fuels.
- Keywords: Fossil fuels Juvenile literature.; Fossil fuels.
- 2005 | Graham, Ian. Fossil fuels : a resource our world depends on.
- Keywords: Fossil fuels Juvenile literature.
- 1999 | Graham, Ian. Nuclear power.
- Keywords: Nuclear energy Juvenile literature.; Nuclear energy.
- 1999 | Graham, Ian. Solar power.
- Keywords: Solar energy Juvenile literature.; Solar energy.
- 1999 | Graham, Ian. Water power.
- Keywords: Water-power Juvenile literature.; Water power.
- 1999 | Graham, Ian. Wind power.
- Keywords: Wind power Juvenile literature.; Wind power.
- 2006 | Gunkel, Darrin, editor. Alternative energy sources.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources.
- 1996 | Hackleman, Michael A.. The new electric vehicles : a clean & quiet revolution.
- Keywords: Electric vehicles.
- 2003 | Hafemeister, David W.. Physics of societal issues : calculations on national security, environment, and energy.
- Keywords: Physics--Social aspects. Science and state.
- | Hagopian, Emily. Green Dollhouse: Creating a Doll's Eye View of a Healthier World.
- Keywords: Dollhouses. Doll furniture. Dollhouses--Exhibitions. Ecological houses--Exhibitions.
- 1992 | Halacy, Beth; Halacy, Dan. Cooking with the sun.
- Keywords: Solar cookery.; Solar ovens.
- 2008 | Harper, Gavin D. J.. Fuel cell projects for the evil genius.
- Keywords: Fuel cells.
- 2007 | Harper, Gavin D. J.. Solar energy projects for the evil genius.
- Keywords: Solar energy.
- 1992 | Hart, Ken; Pearlman, Nancy Sue; Educational Communications Collection (Library of Congress),. EcoNews. Electric and other non-polluting alternatives to gasoline powered vehicles.
- Keywords: Automobiles, Electric.; Solar cars.; Nature Series.
- 2001 | Harte, John. Consider a cylindrical cow : more adventures in environmental problem solving.
- Keywords: Environmental sciences Mathematics.; Environmental sciences Problems, exercises, etc.
- 1985 | Harte, John. Consider a spherical cow : a course in environmental problem solving.
- Keywords: Environmental sciences Mathematics.; Environmental sciences Problems, exercises, etc.
- 2001 | Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, editor. Solar House: Student Guide.
- Keywords:
- 1994 | Hawkes, Nigel. Energy.
- Keywords: Power resources Juvenile literature.; Power resources.
- 2003 | Hayhurst, Chris. Hydrogen Power: new ways of turning fuel cells into energy [sic].
- Keywords: Hydrogen as fuel--Juvenile literature Hydrogen as fuel Power resources
- 2003 | Heinberg, Richard. The party's over : oil, war and the fate of industrial societies.
- Keywords: Petroleum industry and trade Political aspects.; Petroleum reserves Political aspects.; Renewable energy sources.
- | Herman, Robin.. Fusion : the search for endless energy.
- Keywords: Controlled fusion. History.
- 1994 | Hills, Richard Leslie. Power from wind : a history of windmill technology.
- Keywords: Windmills History.
- 2002 | Hinrichs, Roger; Kleinbach, Merlin H.. Energy: its use and the environment.
- Keywords: Power (Mechanics); Power resources.
- 1982 | Hirshberg, Gary. The New Alchemy water pumping windmill book.
- Keywords: Windmills.; Pumping machinery.; Water-supply engineering.
- 2003 | Hobson, Art. Physics : concepts and connections.
- Keywords: Physics.
- 2001 | Hoffmann, Peter. Tomorrow's energy : hydrogen, fuel cells, and the prospects for a cleaner planet.
- Keywords: Hydrogen as fuel.
- 2005 | Huber, Peter W.; Mills, Mark P.. The bottomless well : the twilight of fuel, the virtue of waste, and why we will never run out of energy.
- Keywords: Power resources.
- 2004 | Huler, Scott. Defining the wind : the Beaufort scale, and how a nineteenth-century admiral turned science into poetry.
- Keywords: Beaufort scale.; Beaufort, Francis, Sir, 1774-1857.
- 2001 | Humphrey, Craig R.; Lewis, Tammy L.; Buttel, Frederick H.. Environment, energy, and society : a new synthesis.
- Keywords: Environmentalism Social aspects.; Environmental policy.; Social ecology.; Human ecology.
- 2003 | Humphrey, Craig R.; Lewis, Tammy L.; Buttel, Frederick H.. Environment, energy, and society : exemplary works.
- Keywords: Environmentalism Social aspects.; Environmental policy.; Social ecology.; Human ecology.
- 1993 | Johansson, Thomas B.; Burnham, Laurie. Renewable energy : sources for fuels and electricity.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources.
- 2004 | John Schaeffer; Real Goods Trading Corporation. Real Goods Solar Living Sourcebook.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources United States Catalogs.; Green products United States Catalogs.; Environmental protection Equipment and supplies Catalogs.; Dwellings Environmental engineering Periodicals.; Solar energy Equipment and supplies Catalogs.
- | Jonathan Collett and Stephen Karakashian, editor. Greening the College Curriculum.
- Keywords:
- | Jones, Christopher F.. Routes of Power: Energy and Modern America.
- Keywords: HISTORY: United States: 20th Century HISTORY: United States: State & Local: Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: Economic History BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: Industries: Energy BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: Infrastructure
- 2003 | Jones, Susan. Solar power of the future: new ways of turning sunlight into energy.
- Keywords: Solar energy--Juvenile Literature Photovoltaic power generation--Juvenile literature Power resources
- 1982 | Kaku, Michio; Thompson, Jennifer Trainer. Nuclear power, both sides : the best arguments for and against the most controversial technology.
- Keywords: Nuclear energy United States.
- | Kaufman, Allan. Exploring solar energy II : activities in solar electricity.
- Keywords: Solar energy. Solar cells.
- 2004 | Kettlewell, Caroline. Electric Dreams: One unlikely team of kids and the race to build the car of the future.
- Keywords:
- 2010 | Khaligh, Alireza, Omer C. Onar. Energy harvesting : solar, wind, and ocean energy conversion systems.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources. Solar energy. Ocean energy resources. Wind power. Wind energy conversion systems Energy conversion.
- 2000 | Kirsch, David A.. The electric vehicle and the burden of history.
- Keywords: Automobiles, Electric History.; Automobiles Design and construction History.; Automobile industry and trade United States History.
- 1998 | Klass, Donald L.. Biomass for renewable energy, fuels, and chemicals.
- Keywords: Biomass energy.; Biomass chemicals.
- 1995 | Komp, Richard J.. Practical photovoltaics : electricity from solar cells.
- Keywords: Solar cells.; Photovoltaic power generation.
- 1993 | Kraushaar, Jack J.; Ristinen, Robert A.. Energy and problems of a technical society.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Power (Mechanics)
- 2009-06-23 | Krishna Ramanujan. Bio-acoustic recorders could answer question: Do wind farms pose risks to migratory birds?.
- Keywords: Wind
- 2006 | Landau, Elaine. The history of energy.
- Keywords: Power resources--Juvenile literature.
- | LaPierre, Yvette. The science of hydrogen energy.
- Keywords:
- 1996 | Lee, Sunggyu. Alternative fuels.
- Keywords: Synthetic fuels.
- | Leone, Daniel A., editor. Is the World Heading Toward an Energy Crisis?.
- Keywords: Petroleum industry and trade—Forecasting Gas industry—Forecasting Energy industries—Forecasting Power resources Energy conservation
- 2000 | Levy, Matthys; Panchyk, Richard. Engineering the city : how infrastructure works : projects and principles for beginners.
- Keywords: Civil engineering Juvenile literature.; Municipal engineering Juvenile literature.; Civil engineering.; Municipal engineering.
- 2007 | Litowitz, Len and Ryan Brown. Energy, Power, and Transportation Technology.
- Keywords: Power Resources Transportation
- 2003 | Lombardo, Daniel. Windmills of New England: Their Genius, Madness, History & Future.
- Keywords: Windmills Architecture History
- 1977 | Lovins, Amory B.. Soft energy paths : toward a durable peace.
- Keywords: Power resources. Energy policy.
- 2007 | Makhijani, Arjun. Carbon free and nuclear free : a roadmap for U.S. energy policy.
- Keywords: Nuclear Energy Renewable Energy Carbon Dioxide Global Climate Change
- 2007 | Manuela de Lucas, Guyonne F.E. Janss, and Miguel Ferrer, editor. Birds and wind farms : risk assessment and mitigation.
- Keywords: Wind turbines --Environmental aspects. Birds, Protection of --Research. Birds --Mortality. Wind power --Environmental aspects.
- 1981 | Marier, Donald. Wind power for the homeowner : a guide to selecting, siting, and installing an electricity-generating wind power system.
- Keywords: Wind power.; Dwellings Power supply.
- 2009-07-26 | Mark Clayton. College campus blows off some steam.
- Keywords: Geothermal Ground Source Heat Pump Ball State University
- 2000 | Markvart, T.. Solar electricity.
- Keywords: Photovoltaic power systems.; Photovoltaic power generation.; Solar cells.
- 2003 | Markvart, T.; Casta ner, Luis. Practical handbook of photovoltaics : fundamentals and applications.
- Keywords: Photovoltaic cells.; Photovoltaic power generation.
- 1989 | May, John; Greenpeace USA.,. The Greenpeace book of the nuclear age : the hidden history, the human cost.
- Keywords: Nuclear facilities Accidents.; Nuclear weapons Testing Environmental aspects.
- | McCarthy, Cecilia Pinto. The science of biomass energy.
- Keywords:
- 1981 | McDonald, Lucile Saunders; Battey, Helen Hawkes. Windmills : an old-new energy source.
- Keywords: Windmills History Juvenile literature.; Windmills History.
- 2002 | McLeish, Ewan. Energy Resources: Our impact on the planet.
- Keywords: Energy development Environmental aspects.; Power resources.; Energy development.; Energy conservation.
- 1974 | McPhee, John A.. The curve of binding energy.
- Keywords: Atomic bomb.; Nuclear industry Security measures.; Taylor, Theodore B., 1925-
- 1983 | McPhillips, Martin. The Solar energy almanac.
- Keywords: Solar energy Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- 2007, February | Michael Simpson. Catch the Wind.
- Keywords: Anemometer Wind--Measuring
- 2007 | Michael Simpson. Home Automation: Catch The Wind.
- Keywords: Anemometer Wind--Measuring
- 1991 | Miller, Rex; Culpepper, Fred W.. Electricity and electronics.
- Keywords: Electric engineering.; Electronics.
- 2003 | Morgan, Sally. Alternative Energy Sources.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources--Juvenile literature Power resources
- 2006 | Morris, Craig. Energy Switch: Proven solutions for a renewable future.
- Keywords:
- 2006 | Morris, Neil. Water power.
- Keywords: Water-power--Juvenile literature.
- 2006 | Morris, Neil. Wind Power.
- Keywords: Wind power--Juvenile literature.
- 2000 | Motavalli, Jim. Forward drive : the race to build "clean" cars for the future.
- Keywords: Hybrid electric cars.; Fuel cells.
- | Mulder, Michelle. Brilliant! Shining a light on sustainable energy.
- Keywords: Renewable Energy Sources--Juvenile Literature
- 2006 | Nakaya, Andrea C., editor. Cars in America.
- Keywords: Automobiles--United States. Automobiles--Social aspects--United States. Automobile driving--Social aspects--United States. Transportation--United States. Opposing Viewpoints Series
- 2006 | Nakaya, Andrea C., editor. Oil.
- Keywords: Petroleum reserves. Petroleum industry and trade. Energy consumption. Opposing Viewpoints series
- 2004 | National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Alternatives and Strategies for Future Hydrogen Production and Use.,; National Academy of Engineering.,; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.),. The hydrogen economy : opportunities, costs, barriers, and R&D needs.
- Keywords: Hydrogen industry United States.; Hydrogen as fuel Economic aspects United States.
- 2006 | Nelson, Jenny. The Physics of Solar Cells.
- Keywords: Photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic effect. Solar cells.
- 1983 | New England Solar Energy Association.,; Mid-Atlantic Solar Energy Association.,; Metropolitan Solar Energy Society (New York N.Y.),; Northeast Solar Energy Association.,; Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.,. Northeast sun : the official publication of the New England Solar Energy Association and the Mid-Atlantic Solar Energy Association.
- Keywords: Solar energy Northeastern States Periodicals.; Solar energy Periodicals.; Solar energy Middle Atlantic States Periodicals.
- 2004 | Nikel-Zueger, Manuel. Energy.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Environmental protection.
- 2006 | Oxlade, Chris.. Energy Supplies.
- Keywords: Power resources--Juvenile literature. Power resources.
- 2005 | Page, Deborah S.. Energy for keeps : electricity from renewable energy : an illustrated guide for everyone who uses electricity.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources. Electric power production.
- 2007 | Pahl, Greg. The Citizen-Powered Energy Handbook.
- Keywords: Power resources Renewable energy sources
- 2003 | Parker, Barry R.. The Isaac Newton school of driving : physics and your car.
- Keywords: Mechanics.; Elasticity.; Motion.; Thermodynamics.
- 2004 | Parker, Steve. Water power.
- Keywords: Water-power--Juvenile literature. Water-supply--Juvenile literature. Water power. Water supply.
- 2006 | Pasiuk, Laurie, editor. Vault Guide to the Top Energy Employers.
- Keywords:
- 1997 | Pearlman, Nancy Sue; Educational Communications Collection (Library of Congress),. EcoNews. The potential of renewable energy and electric vehicles with Dr. John Berger, author of "Charging Ahead".
- Keywords: Nature Series.
- 2003 | Peavey, Michael A.. Fuel from water : energy independence with hydrogen.
- Keywords: Hydrogen as fuel.; Water as fuel.; Fuel cells.
- 2002 | Perlin, John. From space to earth : the story of solar electricity.
- Keywords: Solar power plants History.; Photovoltaic power systems History.
- 1994 | Perrin, Noel. Life with an electric car.
- Keywords: Automobiles, Electric.; Perrin, Noel Travel.; Automobiles, Electric United States History.
- 2004 | Petersen, Christine. Alternative energy : a true book.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources Juvenile literature.; Renewable energy sources.; Power resources.
- 2004 | Petersen, Christine. Solar power : a true book.
- Keywords: Solar energy Juvenile literature.; Solar energy.
- 2004 | Petersen, Christine. Wind Power: A True Book.
- Keywords: Wind power plants Juvenile literature.; Wind power.
- 1998 | Philander, S. George. Is the temperature rising? : the uncertain science of global warming.
- Keywords: Global warming.; Environmental sciences Philosophy.; Human ecology.
- 1999 | Pieper, Adi. The easy guide to solar electric.
- Keywords: Photovoltaic power systems.; Dwellings Power supply.; Solar houses.
- 1996 | Pimentel, David; Pimentel, Marcia. Food, energy, and society.
- Keywords: Food supply.; Power resources.; Agriculture Energy consumption.
- 1983 | Plante, Russel. Solar domestic hot water : a practical guide to installation and understanding.
- Keywords: Solar heating. Solar water heaters.
- | Prentiss, Mara Goff.. Energy Revolution: The Physics and the Promise of Efficient Technology.
- Keywords: Power resources. Energy consumption. Energy conservation.
- 2001 | Project 2061 (American Association for the Advancement of Science),. Atlas of science literacy.
- Keywords: Science Study and teaching United States Charts, diagrams, etc.; Mathematics Study and teaching United States Charts, diagrams, etc..; Engineering Study and teaching United States Charts, diagrams, etc..
- 1993 | Project 2061 (American Association for the Advancement of Science),. Benchmarks for science literacy.
- Keywords: Science Study and teaching United States.; Mathematics Study and teaching United States.; Engineering Study and teaching United States.
- 1989 | Project 2061 (American Association for the Advancement of Science),. Science for all Americans : a Project 2061 report on literacy goals in science, mathematics, and technology.
- Keywords: Science Study and teaching United States.; Mathematics Study and teaching United States.; Technical education United States.
- 2000 | Project 2061 (American Association for the Advancement of Science).,. Designs for science literacy.
- Keywords: Science Study and teaching United States.; Mathematics Study and teaching United States.; Engineering Study and teaching United States.
- 1991 | Radabaugh, Joseph. Heaven's flame : a guidebook to solar cookers.
- Keywords: Solar ovens Design and construction.; Solar cookery.
- 2002 | Rathjen, Don; Doherty, Paul; Kutnick, Esther; Exploratorium Teacher Institute (San Francisco Calif.),. Square wheels : and other easy-to-build, hands-on science activities.
- Keywords: Science Experiments.
- 2010 | Raturi, Atul; Fepuleai, Yoheni1. Photosynthesis in a test tube- dye sensitized solar cells as a teaching tool..
- 2005 | Raymond, Martin S. and William L. Leffler. Oil and gas production in nontechnical language.
- Keywords: Oil wells. Gas wells. Petroleum engineering.
- | Rehfeld, Barry. Home sweet zero energy home.
- Keywords: Dwellings--Energy consumption Dwellings--Energy conservation Renewable energy sources Sustainable living
- 2003 | Richards, Julie. Fossil fuels.
- Keywords: Fossil fuels Juvenile literature.; Fossil fuels.
- 2003 | Richards, Julie. Solar power.
- Keywords: Solar energy Juvenile literature.; Solar energy.
- 2003 | Riddle, John. Coal power of the future : new ways of turning coal into energy.
- Keywords: Coal-fired power plants--Fuel--Juvenile literature. Coal--Juvenile literature. Power resources--Juvenile literature. Coal. Power resources.
- | Riebel, Linda and Ken Jacobsen. Eating to save the earth: food choices for a healthy planet.
- Keywords: Food. Human ecology.
- 1991 | Rifkin, Jeremy. Biosphere politics : a new consciousness for a new century.
- Keywords: Human ecology Philosophy.; Civilization Philosophy.; Nonrenewable natural resources.; Environmental policy.; Twenty-first century Forecasts.
- 2002 | Rifkin, Jeremy. The hydrogen economy : the creation of the worldwide energy web and the redistribution of power on earth.
- Keywords: Hydrogen as fuel.; Globalization.
- 1990 | Rifkin, Jeremy; Greenhouse Crisis Foundation.,. The Green lifestyle handbook.
- Keywords: Environmental protection Citizen participation.
- | Ringstad, Arnold. The science of solar energy.
- Keywords: Solar energy--Juvenile literature.
- 2006 | Ristinen, Robert A.; Kraushaar, Jack J.. Energy and the environment.
- Keywords: Power resources United States.; Pollution United States.
- 1999 | Ristinen, Robert A.; Kraushaar, Jack J.. Energy and the environment.
- Keywords: Power resources United States.; Pollution United States.
- 2004 | Roberts, Paul. The end of oil : on the edge of a perilous new world.
- Keywords: Petroleum industry and trade Government policy.; Petroleum industry and trade Government policy United States.; Energy policy.; Energy policy United States.; Petroleum industry and trade Political aspects.; World politics 21st century Forecasting.
- 2004 | Romm, Joseph J.. The hype about hydrogen : fact and fiction in the race to save the climate.
- Keywords: Hydrogen Research.; Fuel cells Research.; Hydrogen as fuel Economic aspects.; Global warming Prevention.
- | Rusch, Elizabeth. The Next Wave : The quest to harness the power of the oceans.
- Keywords: Ocean energy resources--Juvenile literature Tidal Power--Juvenile literature Renewable energy sources--Juvenile literature
- | Rybolt, Thomas R.; Mebane, Robert C.. Environmental experiments about renewable energy.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources Experiments Juvenile literature.; Renewable energy sources Experiments.; Experiments.
- 1994 | Sadker, Myra; Sadker, David Miller. Failing at fairness : how America's schools cheat girls.
- Keywords: Sex discrimination in education United States.; Sexism in education United States.; Women Education United States.
- | Saint-Preux, Morisset. Eco Literacy Workbook for the Future Green-Collar Worker.
- Keywords:
- | Sanders, M. Elizabeth. The regulation of natural gas : policy and politics, 1938-1978.
- Keywords: Gas industry--Government policy--United States. Gas--Law and legislation--United States. Trade regulation--United States.
- 2004 | Saul, Wendy; International Reading Association.,; National Science Teachers Association.,. Crossing borders in literacy and science instruction : perspectives on theory and practice.
- Keywords: Science Study and teaching (Elementary); Children's literature in science education.; Language experience approach in education.
- 2005 | Scheckel, Paul. The Home Energy Diet.
- Keywords:
- 2002 | Scheer, Hermann. The Solar Economy : renewable energy for a sustainable global future.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources.; Sustainable development.
- 1994 | Schiffer, Michael B.; Butts, Tamara C.; Grimm, Kimberly K.. Taking charge : the electric automobile in America.
- Keywords: Automobiles, Electric United States.
- 2005 | Schneider, Eric D. and Dorion Sagan. Into the cool: energy flow, thermodynamics, and life.
- Keywords: Bioenergetics Biological systems
- 2001 | Schobert, Harold H.. Energy and society : an introduction.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Power (Mechanics)
- 1998 | Shepherd, W.; Shepherd, D. W.. Energy studies.
- Keywords: Power reasorces.
- 1998 | Sherman, Joe. Charging ahead.
- Keywords: Automobiles, Electric.; Solectria.
- 1994, July 12-15 | Shyam S. Nandwani, Edwin R. Pejack, Beverly L. Blum, editor. Developments in Solar Cookers.
- Keywords: Solar Cookers Solar Cooking
- 2008 | Silver, Jerry. Global warming and climate change demystified.
- Keywords: Global warming --Popular works. Climatic changes --Popular works.
- 1998 | Silverstein, Alvin; Silverstein, Virginia B.; Nunn, Laura Silverstein. Energy.
- Keywords: Power resources Juvenile literature.; Power resources.
- 2003 | Silverstein, Alvin; Silverstein, Virginia B.; Nunn, Laura Silverstein. Global warming.
- Keywords: Global warming Juvenile literature.; Global warming.; Climatic changes.; Climatology.
- 2004 | Simon, Linda. Dark light : electricity and anxiety from the telegraph to the X-ray.
- Keywords: Electrification Public opinion History 19th century.; Electrification Public opinion History 20th century.; Electricity Psychological aspects History 19th century.; Electricity Social aspects History 19th century.; Fear.
- 1997 | Smeloff, Ed; Asmus, Peter. Reinventing electric utilities : competition, citizen action, and clean power.
- Keywords: Electric utilities United States.; Electric power-plants Decentralization United States.; Electric power-plants Efficiency United States.; Electric power-plants Environmental aspects United States.; Energy conservation United States.; Renewable energy sources United States.; Sacramento Municipal Utility District (Calif.)
- 2003 | Smil, Vaclav. Energy at the crossroads : global perspectives and uncertainties.
- Keywords: Energy policy. Energy policy--United States. Energy policy--China. Energy policy--Environmental aspects. Energy development--Technological innovations. Globalization--Environmental aspects. Power resources--Political aspects--History. Petroleum industry and trade--Political aspects--History. History, Modern.
- 2006 | Smil, Vaclav. Energy, a beginner's guide.
- Keywords: Energy
- 1998 | Smith, Crosbie. The science of energy : a cultural history of energy physics in Victorian Britain.
- Keywords: Force and energy History 19th century.; Power resources History 19th century.; Power (Mechanics) History 19th century.
- 1989 | Smith, Crosbie; Wise, M. Norton. Energy and empire : a biographical study of Lord Kelvin.
- Keywords: Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 1824-1907.; Physics History.; Physicists Great Britain Biography.
- 2002 | Snedden, Robert. Energy Alternatives.
- Keywords: Power resources--Juvenile literature Renewable energy sources--Juvenile literature
- 2006 | Spray, Sharon L. and Karen L. McGlothlin. Global Climate Change.
- Keywords: Climate Change
- 1987 | Strong, Steven J.. The solar electric house : a design manual for home-scale photovoltaic power systems.
- Keywords: Solar houses. Photovoltaic power generation. Photovoltaic power systems. Dwellings--Power supply.
- 2004 | Sørensen, Bent. Renewable energy : its physics, engineering, use, environmental impacts, economy, and planning aspects.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources.
- 2009-03-29 | Tankersley, Jim. Surge of college students pursuing 'clean energy' careers.
- Keywords:
- 2003 | Thacher, Eric F.. A solar car primer.
- Keywords: Solar cars.; Automobiles, Racing Design and construction.; Solar energy.
- 2000 | Thomas, Randall; Max Fordham and Partners. Photovoltaics and architecture : an introduction for architects and engineers.
- Keywords: Photovoltaic power generation.; Solar buildings.; Architecture and solar radiation.
- | Tilson, Jen, and Josey Baker. Handbook of Light Interactions.
- Keywords:
- 2000 | Toler, Dane J.; National Science Resources Center (U.S.),; Carolina Biological Supply Company.,. Energy, machines, and motion : student guide and source book.
- Keywords: Machinery Juvenile literature.; Force and energy Juvenile literature.; Motion Juvenile literature.
- 2006 | Trask, Crissy. It's Easy Being Green.
- Keywords:
- 2003 | Vaitheeswaran, Vijay V.. Power to the people : how the coming energy revolution will transform an industry, change our lives, and maybe even save the planet.
- Keywords: Power resources.; Hydrogen as fuel.
- 2006 | VanCleave, Janice Pratt. Energy for every kid.
- Keywords: Force and energy--Juvenile literature. Power resources--Juvenile literature.
- 2008 | Vanek, Francis M.. Energy systems engineering : evaluation and implementation.
- Keywords:
- 2012 | Vanek, Francis; Albright, Louis; Angenent, Largus. Energy Systems Engineering: Evaluation and Implementation.
- Keywords:
- 2006 | Venolia, Carol. Natural remodeling for the not-so-green house : bringing your home into harmony with nature.
- Keywords: Dwellings--Remodeling. Ecological houses. Organic living.
- 2003 | Vielstich, Wolf; Lamm, Arnold; Gasteiger, Hubert A.. Handbook of fuel cells : fundamentals, technology, and applications.
- Keywords: Fuel cells.
- 1998 | Von Baeyer, Hans Christian. Maxwell's demon : why warmth disperses and time passes.
- Keywords: Maxwell's demon. Entropy. Thermodynamics. Carnot. Joule. Kelvin.
- 2002 | Walisiewicz, Marek. Alternative energy.
- Keywords: Renewable energy sources.
- 1996 | Walker, Kenneth J.; Safe Energy Communication Council.,. Ohio's home power boosters.
- Keywords: Dwellings Energy conservation Ohio.
- 2004 | Warf, James C.. All things nuclear.
- Keywords: Nuclear energy
- 1998 | Warkentin, Denise. Electric power industry in nontechnical language.
- Keywords: Electric utilities.; Electric power production.
- 1981 | Washburn, Mark. In the light of the sun : from sunspots to solar energy.
- Keywords: Sun Popular works.; Solar energy Popular works.
- 2006 | Wasik, John F.. The merchant of power : Samuel Insull, Thomas Edison, and the creation of the modern metropolis.
- Keywords: Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938. Commonwealth Edison Company--History. Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Electric utilities--United States--History. Holding companies--United States--History. Public utilities--United States--History.
- | Wayne Kilcollins. Maintenance Fundamentals for Wind Technicians.
- Keywords: Wind, Maintenance, wind power, wind technician, wind turbine
- | White, Kimberly. Pedal power teaching physics through energy-making bicycle.
- Keywords:
- | Wilcox, Charlotte. Powerhouse : inside a nuclear power plant.
- Keywords: Nuclear power plants--Juvenile literature
- 2007 | Williams, Wendy and Robert Whitcomb. Cape wind : money, celebrity, class, politics, and the battle for our energy future on Nantucket Sound.
- Keywords: Cape Wind Associates. Wind power industry--Massachusetts--Nantucket Sound. Energy policy--Massachusetts--Nantucket Sound. Renewable energy resources--Massachusetts--Nantucket Sound.
- | Wilson, Alex. Your Green Home.
- Keywords:
- | Wilson, David Gordon. Bicycling Science.
- Keywords: Bicycles—Dynamics Bicycles—History
- 1997 | Woelfle, Gretchen. The wind at work : an activity guide to windmills.
- Keywords: Windmills History Juvenile literature.; Windmills.
- 1978 | Wright, David. Natural solar architecture : a passive primer.
- Keywords: Architecture and solar radiation.
- 1999 | Wulfinghoff, Donald. Energy efficiency manual.
- Keywords: Energy conservation Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Energy consumption Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- 2001 | Yago, Jeffrey R.. Achieving energy independence--one step at a time.
- Keywords: Building-integrated photovoltaic systems.; Dwellings Energy conservation United States.