interesting energy conservation awards
interesting energy conservation awards
I got this in the mail today (I live in Newton, MA). I like the audacity of having a contest to see which student can reduce their household bill the most:
Two great opportunities for students AND households to create awareness of need for energy efficient products and the reduction of Newton?s energy consumption! The contests are sponsored by the Green Decade, the Newton Schools Foundation and GreenEnergyNewton, with prizes provided by NSTAR and Whole Foods Market. Click here for details and contest rules:
Student Essay Contest: ?Protect the Climate ? Start at Home?
Open to all elementary, middle school and high school students who live or go to school in Newton.
Purpose: to increase awareness of the issue among Newton residents and to encourage them to choose more energy efficient products and to waste less. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and four distinction prize winners at each school level. Deadline: March 15.
Household Contest: While the students are working on their conservation essays, it is your turn to do the actual conserving! Win a $200 gift certificate from Whole Foods Market by reducing your electric and/or heating bill by the greatest percentage of any Newton household by the April 15 deadline.
Two great opportunities for students AND households to create awareness of need for energy efficient products and the reduction of Newton?s energy consumption! The contests are sponsored by the Green Decade, the Newton Schools Foundation and GreenEnergyNewton, with prizes provided by NSTAR and Whole Foods Market. Click here for details and contest rules:
Student Essay Contest: ?Protect the Climate ? Start at Home?
Open to all elementary, middle school and high school students who live or go to school in Newton.
Purpose: to increase awareness of the issue among Newton residents and to encourage them to choose more energy efficient products and to waste less. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and four distinction prize winners at each school level. Deadline: March 15.
Household Contest: While the students are working on their conservation essays, it is your turn to do the actual conserving! Win a $200 gift certificate from Whole Foods Market by reducing your electric and/or heating bill by the greatest percentage of any Newton household by the April 15 deadline.