How can one convert Mechanical energy into Electrical energy

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How can one convert Mechanical energy into Electrical energy

Post by jaurg »

We have all seen those "shake flashlights" and the "Hand crank radios."

If I want to build a motor to generate electrical energy, how would I do that. Maybe there is some science store that sells a kit.

Also, assume you have this motor, which when you exert mechanical energy, converts it into electrical, how would you store the said converted energy.

Thank You!
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Re: How can one convert Mechanical energy into Electrical en

Post by shawn »

Well, looking through the Equipment and Materials Shopping links at I found:
Flinn's kit "Build Your Own Simple DC Motor":
Sargent Welch's AC/DC electric motor:
Or their AC hand generator kit, from scratch:
A serious generator we're using in a lot of our classrooms, connecting it to a bike:

On storage:
You can store in a rechargeable battery (my favorite), a capacitor, or a Leyden jar.
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