Energy education ideas for you
This is an old homepage we keep because it is a concise list of our resources.
- Attend energy education workshops.
- Try special projects in your courses.
- Contact us for one-on-one consultation.
- Read our newsletter.
- Join our network and receive our newsletter, for free.
- Participate in our Green Dollhouse Challenge.
- Take your students on a field trip.
- Read our FAQ section.
- Use our forum to address specific questions to the whole network of educators.
- Follow our annotated links to over a thousand useful sites.
- Read about books and articles about energy and energy education.
Read our story about all the ways we help educators.
Read about our history and our operations.
You can help us too
- Share your ideas about energy education in the forum.
- Write a poem about energy on our haiku page.
- Pilot a special project.
- Connect through social sites including Facebook, Second Life, and Twitter.
- Donate money or materials for teachers and projects.
- Have the companies you normally buy from online share some of the profits with our charity via GoodShop.
- List workshops you're offering on our site.
- Write an article about energy education.
Read our Champion page for more ways to help.