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Green Dollhouse Challenge
We challenge K-16 students, families, hobbyists, design/build students, and design/build professionals to build model play-houses to explore concepts and technologies related energy production, energy use, efficiency, materials, architecture, utility, aesthetics, appreciation of nature, renewable resources, true wealth, healthy living, clean air, and clean water. is seeking partners to help organize and sponsor statewide annual challenges, partners including professionals in architecture, buildings, education, and journalism.
We offer awards in over 20 categories. The rules are very simple and the awards are for achievement, not for competition.
Jurors are selected from architecture, building, academia, design, building performance professionals, education, and journalism.
We provide a registration form at for jurors, entrants, and partners.
Please see our Green Dollhouse Challenge page, linked below, for more information.
Bookmark this project-page to find helpful links and bibliographic resources as we add them.
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- Architecture
- Competitions and Awards
- Lesson Plans and Unit Ideas
- New York
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- Daylighting
- Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
- Simulations and Models
Related Bibliography Items
- Hagopian, Emily, Green Dollhouse: Creating a Doll's Eye View of a Healthier World.
- Kettlewell, Caroline, Electric Dreams: One unlikely team of kids and the race to build the car of the future. 2004
- Lovins, Amory B., Soft energy paths : toward a durable peace. 1977
- Rehfeld, Barry, Home sweet zero energy home.
- Strong, Steven J., The solar electric house : a design manual for home-scale photovoltaic power systems. 1987
- Tankersley, Jim, Surge of college students pursuing 'clean energy' careers. 2009-03-29
- Wilson, Alex, Your Green Home.
- Wright, David, Natural solar architecture : a passive primer. 1978