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Physics Teacher Resource Agents (PTRA) Summer Workshop

PTRA 2024 Summer Institute / Workshop for K-12 Teachers
July 10 – 12 at WPI
Physics Teaching Resource Agents (PTRA) have been providing professional development in physics and physical science for K-12 teachers since 1985. This summer's PTRA Institute will be at Worcester Polytechnic Institute on July 10 - 12 and is open to all K-12 teachers. Topics will include Video Analysis, Classroom Practicums, Electricity using CASTLE, TIPERS, Make and Takes, and MORE. Take advantage of this FREE, terrific opportunity for educators rarely in the Northeast.
The application form is linked on the webpage. Stipends are available as well as equipment for all K-12 teachers in the classroom.

Intended audience
K-12 teachers
Date and time
2024-07-10 to 2024-07-12
Web link
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