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2024 Public Service Company of Oklahoma Energy Education Workshop - Duncan, OK

This workshop is from another provider, so this listing may not be accurate or up to date. Please check their web site for updates.
Click Here To Register
Who Should Attend?
• 4th – 8th Grade Teachers
• CTE Teachers
• Afterschool program leaders
What do you receive?
• NEED Science of Energy Kit for the classroom
• $175 Stipend Provided
• Oklahoma standards aligned curriculum
• Access to all NEED resources
• Breakfast and Lunch
• A day filled with lots of energy and fun
Contact Wendi Moss at or
call 1-800-875-5029
8:30 a.m. Registration
Pick up NEED materials and conference supplies. Continental breakfast will be served. NEED curriculum kits are sponsored for each teacher attending the workshop. Packets include supplemental classroom materials, Energy Infobooks at 3 grade levels, and much more! Complete a pre-workshop assessment.
8:45 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
Meet your fellow participants and the sponsors of today’s workshop. Review goals and objectives for the workshop and begin planning ways to use the NEED materials and training in your school. Efficiency Bingo.
9:00 a.m. The Science of Energy
Learn more about the forms of energy while experimenting with the NEED Project’s Science of Energy kit. Kits will be made available to participating teachers.
10:30 a.m. Energy Round-Up, Candy Collector and Oklahoma Electric Connections
After learning about the forms of energy, we will study the sources of energy: What are they? Where do they come from? And how do we use each of the 10 sources of energy? Discover how the different energy sources contribute to the generation of electricity. After learning about the forms of energy, discover how the different energy sources contribute to the generation of electricity in Oklahoma.
11:15 a.m. Intro to Energy Efficiency and Conservation and Tool Exploration
How do you use energy in your daily life at school? Learn how energy is consumed and easy steps you and your students can take to reduce energy use at home and at school.
12:00 p.m. Lunch and PSO Speaker
12:45 p.m. Build Your Energy House!
Learn more about energy efficiency, thermal energy and building science while you engineer your new Energy House.
2:00 p.m. Energy Efficiency Web Game and Energy Careers Guess Who?
2:30 p.m. Explore the Website, Q&A, Post Assessment and Evaluations
3:00 p.m. Adjourn

Intended audience
4th – 8th grade teachers, afterschool leaders, CTE teachers
Date and time
08:30 AM to 03:00 PM, 2024-05-18
Web link
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