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2024 National Energy Conference for Educators

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2024 National Energy Conference for Educators
July 7-11, 2024 · Philadelphia, PA
The National Energy Conference for Educators brings together educators from across the country that are passionate about learning and teaching about energy and STEM! This conference is often attended by not only classroom educators, but energy industry education and outreach staff who manage or implement energy education programs. In five interactive days, the conference provides educators with the most up-to-date information on all aspects of energy including the science of energy, sources of energy, transportation, electricity, efficiency and environmental and economic impacts. While not for the faint of heart, this conference has been noted as being the most fun an educator could have while learning!
Participants receive the training and materials to implement innovative hands-on energy units in their classrooms, multi-disciplinary teams, and Out-of-School Time (OST) programs. NEED facilitators at the conference help participants develop specialized units that meet state standards and can be utilized with students of all learning styles. Attending teachers receive credit towards a NEED Kit, access to all NEED Curriculum Guides, and supplemental resources.
NEED lessons integrate energy curriculum into classrooms while focusing on the successful achievement of state and national education goals by using correlations of NEED materials to the Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core standards, and state science standards.

Date and time
2024-07-07 to 2024-07-11
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